Welcome to Immersion Editing

Hello and welcome! Today I proudly launch AngelaWiechmann.com out into the wild blue yonder of the internet.

Light through water

This momentous occasion has been a long time coming. I’ve never had a website before. Truth be told, outside of a simple LinkedIn page, I’ve had zero online presence until this moment. I know, I know—it’s 2018. It’s ridiculous that it’s taken me this long. (If you’ve seen my phone, though, you understand.)

So, however overdue this may be, I’m eager to share my website with you now. More importantly, I’m eager to share my vision of immersion editing.

We’ll explore immersion editing in blog posts to come, so stay tuned. In a nutshell, though, I can sum it up with the mantra-slash-tagline: Let’s go deeper.

You see, most editors skim the surface, dipping their toes into their work. For them, it’s about commas and typos and barely knowing their authors’ names. They’re in and out, and authors are left to slog through manuscripts full of track changes on their own.

But truly great editing can only be accomplished if you go deeper. Me, I immerse myself in the manuscript and in a relationship with the author. I dive down to reach a deeper understanding that helps both the manuscript and the author reach full potential. My goal is to make every editing project meaningful—meaningful edits, meaningful guidance, meaningful connection, meaningful results. This is the editing all authors and all books deserve.

If you’re one of my authors, you know firsthand what immersion editing is all about. You and your books are the proof in the pudding. The amazing, humbling testimonials speak louder than I ever could about this approach.

If you’re a new author lucky enough to have found your way to my site, I hope it piques your interest. Please drop me a line if you’d like to learn more about me, immersion editing, and how I can help you.

If you’re an editor yourself, I’d love to connect with you too. I offer classes on immersion editing and other topics, and I hope you can join me sometime. (Keep an eye on the blog posts for updates about the next class starting soon.)

So yes, AngelaWiechmann.com is finally here at long last. All good things are worth waiting for, right? And no matter how long it took me to get online, I can’t express how excited I am to share this moment with you. Welcome to the immersion experience.

Let’s go deeper.

One Reply to “Welcome to Immersion Editing”

  1. Congratulations, Angie! I hope many in the publishing world see the immense value of Immersion Editing and take the plunge with you.

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